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用 户 组:游客
游客 发表于:2021-11-17 1:33:40   | 显示全部帖子 查看该作者主题 31楼 
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  He describes the area as “beautiful in a desolate kind of way”—a place of “sharp mountain peaks and wide, U-shaped valleys.” As someone who has spent a great deal of time in this remote place, he is familiar with the surprising ways in which it has recently changed.
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用 户 组:游客
游客 发表于:2021-11-17 1:33:41   | 显示全部帖子 查看该作者主题 32楼 
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  The stakes in Japan are high. The tax hike was passed intolaw last year with the support of Abe's current coalitionparties and the previous government and is meant to be the firststep toward repairing Japan's tattered finances. However, thelaw also requires the government to judge the economicconditions before giving the final go ahead.
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用 户 组:游客
游客 发表于:2021-11-17 1:33:43   | 显示全部帖子 查看该作者主题 33楼 
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  The movie picks up several years after the original, with Moretz’s Hit-Girl, aka Mindy Macready, training the titular superhero wanna-be (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) on how to properly take down drug dealers and thugs. But as aspiring supervillain The Motherf—er (Christopher Mintz-Plasse) plots the heroes’ demise, Mindy faces a tougher challenge — fitting in with the popular girls in high school.
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用 户 组:游客
游客 发表于:2021-11-17 1:33:45   | 显示全部帖子 查看该作者主题 34楼 
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  "You can&#039;t actually know whether some students may be more susceptible to bites, stings from wasps, spiders or any other [bugs] either, so I think we&#039;ve taken a balanced view here in the best interests of students."
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用 户 组:游客
游客 发表于:2021-11-17 1:33:47   | 显示全部帖子 查看该作者主题 35楼 
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  Obama had indeed gotten himself into something of a box by drawing a "red line" against chemical weapons (and it should be noted that many of his critics on the right were some of the ones pushing him to get tough on Syria). But Assad was in a box, too. He didn't want to get bombed. He threatened retaliation if he was bombed &ndash; and didn't really have much to back that up. But politically, he couldn't be viewed as giving in to Obama or to Secretary of State John Kerry. His only face-saving measure was to deal with someone like Putin &ndash; an "imperfect messenger," to borrow a phrase from Anthony Weiner. But Putin was probably the only person who could deliver it.
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