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      The Knicks believe World Peace is worth the investment. They can either sign him to the veteran's minimum or give him the rest of the mini mid-level that starts at $1.6 million. One of World Peace’s agent, Marc Cornstein, spoke briefly with Knicks GM Glen Grunwald during the Knicks-Wizards game here on Sunday. Cornstein declined to comment on World Peace’s future, saying that he had received several calls from teams expressing interest.
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      The online statement from the jihadist group, whose source could not be verified, accused the Egyptian army of working with the Israelis. “What kind of announced betrayal is bigger than this? For the Egyptian army to allow the Zionist unmanned airplanes to breach its borders repetitively.”
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      This to me shows you the unimaginable potential for entrepreneurial public servants and when I say that I don’t mean elected officials. I mean all of us are entrepreneurs, all of us are collaborators in helping our democracy live up to its highest level, to its aspirations. If you think about this the power of technology and media together is what’s created really great transformations from our parent’s generation. Martin Luther King, in the same month we’re filming this in April of 1963 though, hit a wall. He was imprisoned in a jail cell in Birmingham, wrote one of the most eloquent pieces of literature in modern American history, Letters from Birmingham Jail, but what people don’t know and if you read some great accounts of this, Taylor Branch’s book and some others, he wasn’t succeeding. He couldn’t get people to organize. He didn’t have Twitter or Facebook. He didn’t have a way to affect media in the way that we do. He couldn’t do a WayWire video. What two ingenious young people, King was young at the point but these folks, Dorothea Cotton, James Bevel were younger than him, and they convinced him to do something which captured the media and transformed the city of Birmingham and brought segregation to an end. They said, “Let us organize kids, the next generation, and do a kids march.’ The power of Bull Connor and eight year olds and ten year olds and 14 year olds are still some of the most powerful images from the Civil Rights movement with the dogs and the fire hoses. It so captured media attention from the Soviet Union to newspapers in Iowa it was on the front page of the nation. This is the power King knew, if I can be creative in capturing the media and controlling the national dialogue…I get very upset and this is one of the reasons we founded WayWire…
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      And whether he's starting or coming off the bench again, Smith knows his role: "I'm sure he wants me to come in and score points fast," Smith said of Woodson. He and Woodson have yet to discuss if he will start or come off the bench again, Smith said.
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      Many victims suffer from anxiety and depression, and many have trouble securing new employment as a direct result of having been a target for harassment, hindering their ability to support their family or advance their career. It happens to women on all rungs of the career ladder — from hourly wage earners to million-dollar producers on Wall Street.
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      Nevin Shapiro, a former booster and convicted felon alleged to have provided student athletes with money and other benefits, was at the center of the investigation, but there were several setps taken by the NCAA that called into question the NCAA's ethics. In January, NCAA president Mark Emmert acknowledged that NCAA enforcement staff members improperly obtained information from a criminal lawyer representing Shapiro. Emmert called the revelation "shocking" and promised a review of the actions.
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      In the essay, Ms Gillard discusses the failures of her leadership, admitting that she should have fought the opposition more stridently when it labelled Labor's carbon emission trading scheme as a "big new tax".
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      His conviction marked a fall from grace for the once politically connected businessman. At one point, Florida's former governor, Jeb Bush, and former presidential candidate Gen. Wesley Clark were on the board of Osorio's now-defunct company.
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      Investors will also be watching closely to see how Google’s advertising income is holding up as more and more users switch away from traditional desktops to tablet devices and smartphones.